
Follow up on the latest improvements and updates.





2.0.1 - May 27 2024

New features
IPD dashboard:
A BI dashboard is available on metabase to track key activities occurring in the IPD workspace.
Doctor's progress notes:
Doctors can record progress notes in the EMR independent of nursing care plans
View OPD consultation notes:
OPD consultation notes are available in the IPD workspace
SP02 available in vitals forms:
SPO2 observations can be saved when recording patient vitals
Unit of measurement corrected for respiratory rate:
Unit of measurement for respiratory rate has been corrected to cycles per minute
File attachments bugfix:
You can now upload, view and download files without glitches
Ward transfers bugfix:
We've fixed a bug prevent ward transfers from being recorded
We're excited to introduce new features to help you manage in-patient care on Serenity! As many of you know, Serenity has only been able to support OPD visits so far, meaning that IPD medical records have been managed on an external app like the HIS. This makes it really difficult to find a patient’s complete medical history on Serenity. The new features for in-patient care change this. This early access version is currently in alpha, which means we're still working on refining it based on your feedback. We’re introducing powerful features designed to streamline medical workflows, improve patient care, and enhance overall efficiency. We value your input, so please let us know what you think! Your feedback will help us make sure these features are perfect before the full launch.
In this release:
🌟 New Features:
🎯 New Services and Wards
  • Hospital Administrators can now set up medical procedure services! We’re also introducing administrative services which allow you to bill for services such as medical certificates or specialist fees. These can be done using the Services and Pricing feature.
  • Easily create and manage ward, rooms, and bed services, ensuring optimal utilization of hospital resources using the Ward feature.
Ward Management for patients on Admission
  • Find a Patient on Admission: Quickly locate patients upon admission with enhanced search capabilities. Search by patient birthdate, gender, phone number, MR number, full name, or a combination of all of these! You can also find a patient based on the ward they’re currently assigned.
  • Admit a Patient: We have streamlined the patient admission process to reduce wait times and improve patient experience.
  • Ward Transfer: Effortlessly transfer patients between wards with just a few clicks.
  • Discharge a Patient: Simplified discharge process to ensure a smooth transition for patients leaving the hospital.
Medical Encounters
  • Fall Risk Assessment: You will be able to conduct comprehensive fall risk assessments to enhance patient safety.
  • Record Progress Notes: Keep detailed progress notes to ensure accurate and up-to-date patient records.
  • Create a Care Plan: Develop personalized care plans to meet the unique needs of each patient. Your care plans will be visible to both doctors and other nurses for adherence and patient safety.
  • Prescribe Medication: Efficiently prescribe medications with built-in safety checks and guidelines. You’d be able to also record a medication statement for patients on your ward!
  • Administer Medication: Ensure safe and accurate medication administration with detailed records.
  • Request Surgical Procedures: Streamline the process of requesting surgical procedures, ensuring all necessary details are captured and communicated efficiently.
  • View Diagnostic Reports: Easily access and view diagnostic reports to inform clinical decisions and enhance patient care.
New feature: Patient Registration
Inline with Nyaho's policy, patient registrations are now mandatory on the EMR. This means that patients must pay registration fees before they can see a doctor or take a lab test. The Serenity team has released an update that links patient registrations to the existing service titled "Registration". This means that if a patient has paid a bill for this service, they will be automatically registered. Paying a bill for any other service - regardless of how similar the name is - will not affect the patient's registration status.
Bugfix: Corporate Payments
We have addressed some key challenges related to corporate payments in this update.
  1. Restricting access to corporate accounts: Previously, if you added an beneficiary to a corporate account, other patients (dependents) with the same phone number could spend from the corporate account. This is no longer possible. Only beneficiaries who are added to a corporate account can spend from that account. Sharing the phone number of another patient will no longer grant access to the corporate account. Dependents of a beneficiary must also be added to the corporate accounts to enjoy healthcare benefits
  2. Preventing suspended employees from spending from corporate accounts: In the past, suspended employees still had access to spend from the corporate account. This has been fixed in the new update. Once an employee is suspended, they will not be able to spend from the corporate account.
To be updated
  • Formatting improvements to PDF invoices generated
  • Encounter notes v2.0.1: We've rewritten the process for recording encounter notes, starting with the chief complaint, history of presenting illness and diagnoses in this release
  • Reference ranges on diagnostic reports are displayed based on the age and gender of the patient
  • Updates to ranking of diagnostic report results to improve accuracy
  • Editing of email and mobile of practitioners is disabled to prevent inabilities to log in
  • Fixed a bug in recreating deleted slots
  • Fixed a bug in searching for beneficiaries (required to find beneficiaries to suspend)
Performance updates: Deployment configurations
24 Aug
  • Fixed a bug displaying prescriptions of one patient in another patient's profile
27 Aug
  • Fixed a bug merging prescriptions with unrelated encounters
  • Fixed a bug merging service requests with unrelated encounters
  • Fixed a bug merging patient notes with unrelated encounters
  • Fixed a bug displaying merged prescriptions on other patient profiles
  • Fixed a bug displaying wrong unit prices (incorrect currency) on cross-currency invoices
Updates to autosaving of notes
We're replacing autosave functionality of consultation notes with save buttons. This helps doctors retry saving of notes in the face of network challenges. New save buttons are available for:
  1. Chief complaint
  2. History of present illness
  3. Physical activity
  4. Eating habits
  5. Family history
In addition to this, doctors can click one button to save all notes on the patient review page of the encounter wizard as seen in the image below:
**Note: Screenshots and data seen in them are fictional and not retrieved from an actual patient's record.




1.8.0 - 15 August 2022

Invoices can be generated in a currency of choice. Supported currencies: USD. New currencies and their fixed exchange rates can be included on request
Insights on peak times against revenue available on the customer experience analytics dashboard. This helps review how much revenue is generated by hour of the day
Accounts officers can generate credit invoices for a single patient
Invoice IDs are displayed on generated PDFs of invoices
Fixed a bug preventing accounts officers from generating summarized and detailed version of invoices
Reports on Serenity's BI can be dowloaded without the 2000 row limit
Invoice periods are displayed based on the dates an accounts officer selects - instead of the earliest and latest bills on record
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